Front Perennial Gardens:

The untamed world of exotic adventures, memorable momments, and parental meltdowns
What a fabulous week of weather! Yesterday the temp in Minneapolis approached a record 95 with a heat index of over 100. A little different playing soccer last night than a couple of weeks ago when the kids had to wear pants, long sleeve shirts, hats and mittens. Unfortunately Logan's team got TROUNCED on Saturday 11-0.
The weekend was full of fun: dinner with some friends, playing with cousin Porter, date night for Shawn/Sara (we spent the night shopping for a new car - how romantic), playing outside, running, watching movies, etc. Last night the neighborhood kids all got together after soccer for a waterslide party at one of the houses and had a blast….somehow they ended up in the hot tub (where else do you go when it is 95?).
The excitement over the weekend is that Carter got a hair cut. No more "fuzzy wuzzy" beach bum look. It is still long on top, but at least the mullet is gone. Pictures will be posted this weekend.
Field trips: Logan started his string of "4" field trips last Friday. The kids walked to an eye clinic - Shawn chaperoned. The best part was when the Dr. was talking about the eye model and he pointed to the dark spot in the middle and asked if any kid knew the name for that part of the eye….one boy said, "the pimple." The answer of course was the "pupil" - it was hysterical for the adults. This Thursday Sara is joining Logan for the BIG field trip to Underwater World at MOA and Como Zoo. Hard to believe Kindergarten is almost over.
Shawn is in LA this week for work so we will decide on weekend plans when he returns Friday. If it is 85 in the cities and 65 in Duluth we will stay here and enjoy the weather.