Saturday, September 18, 2010

Logan's Quarterback Debut

Logan's quarterback debut was filled with "where is my running back" and other not so glamorous moments :-) He did a great job at down, set, hike and bossing the linemen around...but it is difficult to execute a "sweep 23 right" when you turn left. Here is a video of one of the bright spots - Logan is the quarterback and he hands it off to his running back who goes the distance. I think linebacker is a better fit - what 6 year old doesn't like a green light to tackle other boys. On a positive note his team is undefeated so far.

Logan's soccer team also is undefeated so far (2-0). They won this AM 4-2....Logan scored his second goal of the season.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Burnsville Fire Muster Parade

Carter dancing to the marching band at the parade...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Another BUSY family weekend!

Before kids....weekends were synonymous with relaxation and no work. Now the parents of (2) beautiful boys, weekend are synonymous with activities.

Friday PM:
Happy early Birthday Sara - hope you enjoy your new "ride"

8AM - trip to Caribou to get the daily fuel
8:30AM - Sara goes running
9:15AM - Sara brings the "old ride" in for a tune up so we can sell it to one of the neighborhood high school girls with a good conscious
10:30AM - PPK (pass, punt, kick) for Lakeville Flag Football
11:00AM-first soccer game [Logan's team won 5-4....Logan scored (2) goals]
Noon - back to the PPK for a team picnic and team photos
2pm - Shawn gets in his workout at the health club
3pm - all the neighborhoods kids gather for an afternoon of soccer, baseball, riding bikes, guns, tag, etc.
4pm - Shawn mows the is finally a nice day with temps in the mid 70s
6:15pm - Twins game is delayed due to rain...Logan is heart broken
8:00pm - Twins game starts - Logan is in heaven!
8:30pm - both the boys are in bed
8:30pm - Sara finally gets to go to the health club to lift weights

Oh what the day will bring is always an unknown....our goal is to start off with church and then head to Burnsville for the Fire Muster community parade.

Pictures from the 1st Day of School

It was a cold first day of school - some of the neighbor kids waiting for the bus - Logan had a GREAT first week!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome to First Grade!

Logan is on his third day of first grade. His response on Tuesday when he got off the bus was:

"first grade is the best thing ever."

Translated I think this means he missed his friends and is happy to be back in a routine. His class is a good mix of kids from his Kindergarten class, neighbor kids, and new friends to be met. Logan was super excited that he and Illya (neighbor boy) get to share a locker - the simple joys. He also likes how first graders move around the building for various classes (i.e. gym, art, music) throughout the day....last year they stayed primarily in their classroom except for an occasional computer day once every several weeks.

We will post pictures later.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Bad Bloggers....

Yes...we have been bad bloggers the past couple of weeks. Sorry - that is what happens when you have soccer on Mondays and Saturdays, and Football on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays....and try to work (2) full-time plus jobs. Here are some quick highlights we have missed communicating.

1. Logan's football team won their first game this past week 28-14. Logan played middle linebacker and right defensive end. He did pretty well. Sometimes he was more interested in pushing the other kids across from him at the line than going for the ball. It was a cold game with several periods of rain downpours.

2. 3rd Annual Mayfield BBQ - thanks to all for attending. We had such a good time we forgot to pull out the digital camera. Over 90 of our friends, family, neighbors and co-workers joined us for a beautiful evening. The kids had a blast playing on the slip n' slide and inflatable jumper. The adults had a blast eating way to much good old fashioned cooking and drinking way to much good old fashioned "beverages." Together we raised almost (6) stuffed to the brim bags of non-perishable food items for the Lakeville Food Shelf - THANK YOU! See you next year....

Quick End of Summer Trip to Charlotte

Shawn and Logan took advantage of the long weekend for a quick end-of-summer trip to CLT to visit Grandpa Bob and Grandma Hannah. Fabulous weather! Logan has a blast swimming in the pool, playing baseball with grandpa, eating (2) meals of ribs (his favorite food), watching way to much baseball/football on TV, and getting spoiled at the toy store with grandpa. A sign that your kids are not little boys anymore is when they are told they can get any toy they want and they want to go to the electronics store. The highlight of Logan's trip was flying in first class and getting all the pop and snacks he could eat.

Some of Logan's friends introduced him to "Phineas and Ferb." Here is a quick video of Logan swimming in grandpa's pool sing the theme song intro from the show.

Sara and Carter enjoyed a "cold weekend" at the cabin - Carter thought it was a good idea to get a fever to keep him warm. It peaked at 102 today but seems to be going down throughout the day.