Friday, July 27, 2012

Logan - Worship Band Jam

Logan has been participating in "Band Camp" at Hosanna! The program takes 3-5th graders who have never played an instrument and in 8 sessions teaches them either guitar, drums, bass or key board. Logan has been playing the guitar for almost a year so technically he should not have been in the camp - but he still had a BLAST playing with other instruments. Here is a video from their jam on the last day.

Hosanna! has an amazing music ministry. I think they had over 40 kids in the camp with 5 different bands. The goal is to get them exposure so they continue in their private lesson program - eventually they can try out for the Kids worship band.

Pictures at the Zoo

Carter - Explaining His Tithing at VBS

Friday, July 20, 2012

Twins Game - Carter

The highlight of the game yesterday is that the FSN "Circle Me Bert" happened right in front of us!!! If you were watching the game Carter was on TV with his head peaking around the little old ladies celebrating their 79th birthday at the game. We are hoping to find a replay broadcast online that we can provide a link to.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Carter - getting ready to go to the pool!

just a note - he is wearing Sara's sunglasses - in case you were wondering why he was sporting those "Lady Gaga" specs.