Sunday, December 16, 2012

Who would have thought?

And of course Sara had a .10 cent coupon.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Weekend update

No pictures. Quick update from our house. Since returning from our 15th anniversary trip last weekend we have been busy with the following:

-Logan's basketball team continues to do great. They are 4-1. Amazing to watch 3rd graders scoring between 40-60 points per game
-Carter has been busy with hockey. He loves his team and continues to improve
-It is finally white here and feels more like Christmas
-Friday we had Carter's "parent involvement day."  Will post some pictures/videos shortly.
-We are busy planning for Logan's 9th birthday
-Tis the season for holiday parties. Friday night we had our HOA holiday party/gingerbread house making at the lodge. Last night we had a caroling party/pot luck with our old neighborhood
-Shawn is getting into his busy season for work and will be traveling lots the next several weeks. This week he is in Atlanta, Charlotte, and Phoenix. Then leaves for San Francisco on Sunday night again.

Hope your holiday season is full of blessings!