Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Shawn

The joke of this birthday is that 35 is half way to 70 - very funny! Not sure if that makes me feel old or young.

Sara and I celebrated the special day with a round of golf in the afternoon; grandma closer watched the boys for a couple of hours. What is more relaxing than playing golf with no children. We then opted for a meal at home - with the craziness of summer it seems like the last quiet meal we have enjoyed at home was weeks ago. We then had some friends over for cake and ice cream to finish the day off. Now comes the real challenge for my coupon-obsessive do we use all those "free" birthday coupons before they expire. The list includes:

-Caribou (done - 2x)
-Red Robin (tonight's dinner)
-Meal in a Cup (done)
-Cold Stone

I think that is the list - maybe I am missing one or two. For all those other coupon OCD types, email Sara and she will set you up. I guess she has a new website that generates all the freebies available in your area on your b-day.

Other happenings in the Mayfield house this past week/upcoming week:
-Happy Birthday Ewen.....thanks for the amazing party!
-Shawn is in San Fran again this week (Tuesday pm-Thursday)
-Next weekend we are going to VLM's 50th reunion
-The garden is exploding with green beans, snap peas, and cucumbers (pictures coming shortly)
-Boys are doing great! Logan has been so tired the last couple of days due to all the excitement in the neighborhood that he can barely stay awake after dinner. On Saturday he crashed about 6:50pm.
-Went to the zoo on Saturday to check out the opening of the new playground...highly recommend

Have a great week!

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