Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Logan survived his 1st day of Kindergarten

Sorry grandparents - my goal was to download a ton of pictures from Kindergarten orientation and the first day today, but work has been a nightmare. Let's just say merging 2 banks with 280,000 team members is a 24 hr/day, 7 days/wk job right now - and that does not include the insane travel. Shawn was originally hoping to achieve Platinum status this year (75,000 miles), now it looks like he may fly between 90,000-110,000 miles.

Anyway - what everyone is really interested in....LOGAN!

Logan woke up at 6:15am this morning SUPER excited for school. His Star Wars clothes were picked the night before, his backpack was stuffed with his Star Wars lunch bag and "3 special things" (Star Wars action figure, photo album from grandma far-far, and his Pokémon stuffed animal). He ran to the bus stop and met his neighborhood friends. I guess the bus requires all Kindergartners to sit in the front of the bus for safety Logan sat next to Iliad (neighbor boy down the street). Sara drove to school and took pictures of Logan walking in the building.

Here is Logan's version of the day:
-Lunch (mom packed) needs a bigger sandwich and less carrots. Need to work on opening his juice box; needed help from the teacher.
-Recess was to short
-Jacob wore really fancy clothes (Jacob is one of 3 boys from his soccer team in his class)
-Fell asleep during rest time
-Went to the bathroom 3 times. Why doesn't the teacher have a bathroom in her classroom Dad?
-We read lots of stories

In short, he had an excellent first day. I have to admit I am incredibly AMAZED at his teacher. She has been teaching Kindergarten for 24 years and is one of the most organized people I have ever seen. She also owns a Kindergarten consulting company ( where she travels the country training other Kindergarten teachers. I think Logan is going to have an excellent year. The youngest child in his class turned "5" in May so the teacher (Mrs. Sloan) is excited about having a more mature group of kids - all the summer birthdays in his class are already 6. So much more to share, but we will save for another post with pictures.

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