Thursday, February 25, 2010

Testosterone Overload for Mom

Sara was out-numbered 6-1 (including Norman) this weekend as Logan and Carter had their cousins Dominic and Porter over for a sleep over. The boys were all boys playing basketball and football in the basement; as well as watching the Olympics and playing Wii. Logan was so excited to have Dominic and Porter sleep in his room. All the boys were very well behaved and we took out a second mortgage to feed their appetites. The rest of the weekend was spent skiing at Buck Hill, going swimming at the Health Club, play dates, painting (Shawn), and enjoying "animal time" at the library - Carter had fun petting the bearded dragon. He also saw an armadillo, some huge millipedes and a large snake.

Other interesting notes:
1. Logan has a second "wiggly" tooth.
2. Logan's class had a BIG party to celebrate their 100th day of school. They each got $100 (fake money - don't tell Logan) and did a bunch of fun activities around the number100.
3. School - we continue to be amazed with Logan's class. The kids are so well behaved and learning leaps and bounds. He has almost mastered counting different denominations of money, telling time, and is making big progress in his journal writing. This week he wrote "I went swimming. I jumped in. The water was warm" using his sound spelling and got "passed" on his first attempt.
4. Carter is also growing into a little boy. His favorite activity is to chase Logan around the house and tackle him. We are hoping to transition him into a twin bed this weekend.

Quick update on Logan's ears. He was tested at Children's last week and they confirmed he has permanent hearing loss in the low sounds of his right ear. They are not concerned about it and said he appears to have accommodated it.

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