The difficult thing about maintaining a blog is deciding what to post. The purpose of a blog is to keep distant family and friends up-to-date on what's happening in our lives, but at the same time who wants to hear about typical suburbia life and our nice little white picket fence....hence, we try to add some "colorful commentary" in with each post. With that great introduction, here is a typical conversation in our house....
- Shawn decides to go get a haircut - why not, Fantastic Sam's has a $9.99 special. What a deal. When Sara arrives home from work she says, "did you get your haircut?" Shawn says, "yes." Sara - "did you use the $1 coupon in the drawer?" Shawn - "no." I thought my wife was going to pass out - a whole $1 down the drain - what a bummer! Did I mention that the same day I saved us over $510/year on our home/auto insurance policies. I tried to explain the principle of going after the BIG boulders....not the pebbles....but she is Roger's daughter!
So what other craziness has been going on in our house this week:
- Logan has been busy bouncing between play dates. Today we went skiing with one of his classmates. May not have too many weekends left as the snow is disappearing fast and get slushy! It is almost 50 degrees here this PM. Next weekend we hope to get Carter out one time before the end of the year. Going the season pass route is definitely the way to go - we went almost 2 dozen times this year.
-Work....Sara went back to FT so Carter is back in daycare 5 days a week. Grandma closer is a lifesaver and has been helping at least 1 day/week....especially the next 3 weeks as Shawn is in LA, Denver and Scottsdale.
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA CLOSER! Grandma closer celebrated her xxxth birthday on March 5. Thank you for all your help and unconditional love this past year - we are truly blessed! Grandma is always willing to get up early and get the boys off to school or take them for an afternoon so Shawn and Sara can have a date night. Not to mention she has been volunteering in Logan's classroom every Wednesday this past year. Hope you had a fun weekend getaway and we will celebrate soon!

Outside of that just another week in our house. We are trying to get a bunch of inside house projects done before spring comes and we start living outside again. We are finishing updating our kitchen with new appliances, hoping to paint and decorate Carter's room in a "Bob the Builder" theme, paint and buy new furniture for the study, and paint the mainfloor bathroom. Makes me tired just thinking about it :-)