Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Easter Bunny

The boys went to visit the Easter Bunny this AM. They were so excited to enjoy the candy, bananas and strawberries the Easter Bunny was sharing. At this time our Easter plans are to volunteer Saturday afternoon at the Hosanna! Easter egg hunts, then spend Easter morning volunteering at Hosanna! at (2) of the (6) services. The boys love ushering and it has become a tradition - Hosanna! is magical at Easter and we invite all to attend!
Logan is still in love with the Vikings - football season is only 5 months away.

This week is also spring break. Sara is off Monday and Shawn is off Friday. Grandma closer is taking the boys on Wednesday and they will go to daycare on Tuesday and Thursday. Logan wanted to go all week since some of his school-age friends will be back this week. I guess it is a good thing when your kid loves day care!

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