Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day to All

Hope all the dads out there had a fabulous Father's Day!
It seems like an eternity since our last post. Shawn has been busy traveling and managing 2 active boys is a full-time job when Shawn is a result the blog is the last thing to get attention.
Summary of our Father's Day:
  • Spent Saturday at the cabin with all the cousins. We decided it would be easier to drive up early Saturday and return late Saturday. The boys had a blast fishing, swimming, playing soccer, driving up with their cousins, and drinking root-beer floats. Getting home late Saturday meant the boys got a full night sleep in their own beds and we avoided cranky kid syndrome on Sunday.
  • Sunday morning was spent at the zoo - Carter's favorite place in the whole world! The boys loved the new Africa exhibit. The afternoon was spent at the waterpark and ice cream store. It was a nice, relaxing father day. The boys made Shawn a bird feeder for Father's Day.

Exciting stuff on the agenda for this week:

  • Logan has golf camp every night
  • Logan's baseball start this Thursday and Saturday.

Sharing some zoo pictures - yes Carter has been wearing his winter hat....he is starting a new sumer fashion!

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