Sunday, October 17, 2010

October Updates from the "Mayfield 4"

Since returning from Florida we have been slow to post blog updates. It always takes a good week to get back into the routine. Some exciting updates:

1. Carter - had his preschool screening last Tuesday and did great! He scored very well and completed all the "games" except tying a knot and rhymes. Logan is still learning to tie a knot :-) We were happy to hear that his hearing and eyes both tested normal. No concerns about speech. At times he is difficult to understand, but they said he articulates all the sounds so there is "no action required."

2. Logan - had his 1st grade parent/teacher conference last week. She said Logan is such a "joy." He is a very happy little boy with a good disposition - he is very social. Imagine that! We have been teaching our boys about "stranger danger" lately due to their predisposition to talk to everyone. Is doing very well in Math...reading is normal....need to practice more! Logan had his last soccer game on Saturday and we all survived fall sports madness. This is the first week of no activities (no football, no soccer, no HALO, no conferences, no nothing) since school began - of course Shawn is out of town for work Sunday-Friday (CA and PHL).

Outside of that - we are enjoying the AMAZING fall weather playing lots of baseball, running, having a few last minute bonfires in our fire pit, and playing in the leaves. Have a safe week!

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