Tuesday, December 21, 2010

48 Hours till your "7"

Logan -

Almost 7 years ago your mother woke me up in the middle of the night and said the bags were packed and it was time to go to the hospital. Being the "patient Dad" that I am I encouraged her to relax a little and after I showered we would be on our way. After driving 30 minutes "into the dark city of Minneapolis" at 1AM I gently pulled the car around to the identified entrance during our new mommy/daddy orientation - of course the door was locked and all the lights were dark. I tried to move the car into the parking garage and encourage your mom to walk a little - that was not such a good suggestion. Finally we found an open door and made our way upstairs to the maternity ward - 6 hours later you decided to join the world....screaming! And more screaming....and more screaming. I don't think you stopped screaming upon waking up from any nap/nighttime until after you had your anoids/tonsils removed at 3 years of age....just ask daycare.

Now 7 years have passed and you are a little man. So grown up going to school and learning to read. We have watched you go from crawling across the living room floor to scoring "3" goals in a single soccer game. We have been blessed watching you transition from eating off a tray on the garbage can - still have the pictures - to eating your favorite food...RIBSs. Your sensitive disposition has created numerous friendships in the neighborhood and school.

We look forward to the next 7 years and where they will take us: how many more stamps will you get in your passport?....what sports will you continue to play?.....when will you walk off the bus and tell us about your first girlfriend?....when will you go down your first waterslide - please soon!....etc.

Happy 7th Birthday Little Man!

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