You may recall that back in December Carter dropped his name in the Mall of America "America's Biggest Christmas Stocking" drawing. Who knows how many people submitted their names - probably thousands based on daily traffic at the MOA....and if you recall from our previous post our little Carter Boy won. Well the magic rubbed off on Logan.
Last night Lake Marion Elementary had their PTO BINGO fundraiser. New this year, each class assembled baskets of donated items - they were amazing. There were BBQ baskets, golf baskets, game baskets, spa baskets, shopping baskets, etc. Most probably had over $300 of new/donated items from families in the school. Well turnout was amazing - around 400 families - most likely the turnout was related to the sad financial situation of our schools as everyone is trying to save our school programs such as art and band which have been cut. Anyways, not only did we win one of the games of BINGO, Logan won the "family game night basket!" We now have probably 10 new DVDS, over a dozen board games, Wii games, popcorn and pop, etc. When they called Logan's name the look on his face was priceless. They lifted him up on the stage in front of all the kids as his friends were screaming his name. Not sure how he fell asleep last night.
Of course Carter thinks he won the basket as we bought about 20 tickets (put Logan's name on all of them) and gave some to each of the boys to place in the basket of their choice.
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