Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Summer Fun

Unfortunately our blogging slows down in summer - too many outside activities to do.

It is baseball season and Logan is in heaven. When he is not playing baseball with the neighborhood kids, 2 nights a week he is playing on the Texas Rangers...all other waking hours are busy watching the Twins on TV or listening to them on AM radio. We need to capture some better pictures of his games - more to come.

On Tuesday this week (before baseball) we went to a school picnic. They had tons of fun "minute to win it" games for the kids and free Green Mill pizza. The boys loved "fencing." What brothers wouldn't love having permission to hit one another with real swords. Logan is in the grey pants and Carter the black pants.

Our spring gardens are in full bloom. The lilacs are finally out - about 3-4 weeks later than last year. Our vegetable garden is about 80% planted. So far we have green and yellow beans, peas, cucumbers, strawberries, green and red peppers, and a couple tomatoes. It will be interesting to see if anything grows with this cold spring - the beans and peas have poked through the dirt finally.

Neighborhood crazy kids. It is so nice having kids old enough to run around the neighborhood unsupervised! Kickball is the new neighborhood activity. The high school boys even join the elementary kids almost every afternoon once the bus gets home.

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