for watching the boys last weekend!
Sara and I enjoyed a nice long weekend in Arizona (Scottsdale and
Sedona). Friday night we hiked Pinnacle Peak and had a fabulous dinner. Saturday morning we got up and drove to
Sedona - beautiful red rocks. We hiked
Cathederal Rock and then visited the "Chapel of the Holy Cross" which was built into the face of the mountain. Then we had some beer at the Oak Creek Brewery. After lunch we did a little window shopping in the art district and then drove up the canyon to Flagstaff. On the way home we hiked around Bell Rock. Sunday AM Shawn was exhausted and sore and sat by the pool for a couple of hours - Sara is more fit and went for another hike up
Camelback Mountain.
It was a beautiful weekend with lots of sun! Rare in MN! The boys had a blast being spoiled by Grandma! Their weekend diet consisted of Chuck-E-Cheese, Subway,
McDonalds, and popcorn/candy from the movie theater. Needless to say they are ready for us "fruit and veggie" eaters to go away for another weekend.
This week is actually quiet in our house with only baseball in the evenings! No camps!!! Logan loved basketball camp last week - we need to post some pictures. Next week he is going to YMCA camp with some friends - Carter and Sara are on vacation for
2 weeks! After July 4th, Carter starts 8 weeks of T-ball and Logan is going to football camp. Think we need a little girl in our house to balance out all the sports.