Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Camp Season is Here

School has only been out 2 weeks and summer camp season is in full swing. 2 weeks ago Logan went to basketball camp. There were almost 40 1st graders! On awards night a couple of the MN Gophers came to do drills with the kids along with the Gopher - somehow Carter sneaked in the picture. Unfortunately baseball camp was cancelled due to low registration the same week.

This week Logan is going to YMCA camp all week and Carter is going to VBS at Hosanna! Our little boy is old enough to go to camp by himself. Sara is off for 2 weeks so she can be "taxi mom." In mid-July Logan has football camp and then baseball camp with the St Paul Saints. And we close out summer with chess camp the first week of August and another round of VBS at the small, little church on the top of our street.

We joke that our daycare should love us, we pay for 4 full days and Logan is barely ever there! I think next summer we might go the nanny route.

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