Saturday, September 24, 2011

3 Busy Weeks in the Mayfield Adobe

We know - those darn Mayfields are not keeping up on their blog. This is my pet peeve as well for those blogs I follow regularly - but I think we actually have a pretty good excuse. Life has just been a wee busy around here the past 3.5 weeks. Really! Everyone says that - but here is a quick summary of some of our highlights.

1. Moved into our new home on September 3. We love the space, yard, association lodge/pools/running trails. There are boys the same age as Logan and Carter next door and they have become best friends already - not to mention the 50+ other elementary kids. We are pretty much settled - still learning some of the new appliances (i.e the Accelerator - basically a 3 in 1 microwave, oven and convection oven) and HOA rules (i.e. the "ditch policy"). Seriously - the ditch is a hot topic around here. Shawn got a John Deere rider for our new yard and has officially been labeled by his co-workers as a "hick."
2. Our renters are FABULOUS - knock on wood. They are even fixing stuff in our house (i.e. installing a new door handle, pressure washing the patio, etc.). Maybe they will stay and buy it.
2. Boys started school. Below are some pictures from Carter's preschool. The first day he was a little anxious but now he loves it. Logan likes 2nd grade - we are having some problems with his talking and not listening. In all honesty - I think he just couldn't here...which leads to #3.
3. On Friday Logan got tubes for the 3rd time. We should have done it before school but with moving life was just too crazy. The last month has been really challenging as he could not here a thing - everything was "what, what, what." You could be within 5 feet and he would not understand what you said. The surgeon called it "glue ear" b/c it was so blocked. Immediately out of surgery he was like a new child - the TV was so quiet Sara and I could barely here it.
4. Sports, sports, sports. Logan is playing soccer every Monday and Wednesday with games on Saturdays. He is also playing football on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. Shawn is coaching soccer again - they are playing on the bigger field with a host of new rules so it has been an adjustment. Logan wants to do basketball this winter and Carter will be playing floor hockey - both boys are also excited for snow and skiing.

Picture of Logan before surgery - he was very apprehensive about the anesthetic. Shawn had to hold him down until the gas kicked in.

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