Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Anothering boring text blog - pictures will be coming soon Grandma and Grandpa!

So we had Logan's school conference last night. I think we were both a little nervous since we have had some issues with "being too social" the last couple of weeks - that is the PC way to say Logan talks to much. Not surprising there are no concerns about his social skills.

In short - we have a bi-polar child when it comes to academics. Let's start with the positives. Logan is a "rockstar" in math - SERIOUSLY! He scored in 99th percentile for math in the MAPS testing. As a result he is being put in "number crunchers" - an accelerated program so he can be challenged more. On the other extreme - he scored in the mid 50th percentile for reading/literacy/comprehension. As a result is qualifies for Title 1 assistance - not really special education but 1:1 attention funded by the state. Try explaining those 2 extremes to a 7-year old.

I think we were a little surprised as his reading has really picked up and he scored well on his "words per minute." Now he needs to get up-to-speed with comprehension and spelling.

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