Sunday, November 20, 2011

Carter - 1st Week of Hockey

Our little boy is growing up! He started Mite Prep hockey this AM. I guess in MN if you don't start hockey when you are 4 you quickly fall behind. He is on the young side as most of the kids are 5 - but he did pretty well. All that matters is he didn't get frustrated and had fun - even though he spent about 50% of the time on the ice. He also thinks the equipment is pretty cool as well.

I think he is just excited to finally be old enough to play on a sports team. After tagging along with Logan for 4 years and watching he has been asking to play on a team - tot soccer just didn't cut it.

Shawn decided to be an Assistant Coach - now he just needs to get "certified" before January 1. I think if there was a full-time job coaching little kids sports - that payed the bills - Shawn would sign up ASAP!

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