Sunday, November 25, 2012

Kalalau Trail & Hanakapiai Falls

We arrived in Kauai last night about 6pm local time. Smooth flights and connections - even got upgraded to LAX. Woke up about 5am local time due to the 4 hr time difference. Figured since we were up we should drive to the Na Pali coast and accomplish the hike which brought us to Kauai.

The Kalalau Trail starts on the north coast of Kauai when the road stops due to the cliffs. You begin with a 2 mile hike to an isolated beach. Swimming is not encouraged due to the waves and current as the sign below illustrates - yikes! Most active people can do the trail as it is 4 miles RT. We wanted to see the falls so took the trail inward another 2 very remote miles into the rainforest. You climb up and down boulders, cross a river that gets waist deep in the rainy season and finally come to one of the wonders of the world. Right when we arrived after 3 hours of strenuous hiking the skies oped and it poured like it only does in a rainforest. We took shelter and were rewarded with a quick break in the skies. We only saw about 10 people on the entire 4 mile trail. It took a total of 5 hours to get to the beach and falls but was well worth it. Enjoy the video below. We are going out for dinner and a cold beer!

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