Monday, April 29, 2013

Beautiful Weekend!

FINALLY...FINALLY - spring arrived. After weeks of cold weather and too much snow we finally hit 70 degrees on Friday and Saturday; and 81 on Sunday. As a result we spent the weekend living outside.

Friday: Carter had his first track meet. His age group runs the 50, 100 and 200 dash; 50 hurdles, shot put and long jump. This was our first experience at track - lets just say the meet was almost 3 hours on a Friday night. At least the weather was great.  Carter had a ton of fun and slept really good. 200 is a long way for those little legs. Logan had a sleepover for the second Friday night in a row. He has been riding the bus home with different friends and comes home the next day around Noon. It is so quiet with only (1) child!

Saturday: Logan's baseball team had pictures and we start the season tonight. Carter's soccer season has been delayed till May 11 - 4 weeks behind schedule. The season will only be (4) weeks long. Don't ask but somehow Shawn got roped into coaching. Not sure how he will manage coaching soccer, baseball and hockey simultaneously.  Saturday PM we spent at the old house doing yard work - it goes on the market next week. The kids loved playing with old friends...Logan said he wanted to live there instead. We explained to him that he would have to start sharing a bathroom again and he quickly changed his mind :-)

Sunday: hockey practice, church, and our first PM at the golf course. The boys had fun hitting balls and practicing their putting. We had out first BBQ on the deck for the season - followed by our first thunderstorm with lightening. We also spent time transplanting a bunch of our perennials in prep for our porch project scheduled to start in 2 weeks.

oh - we are not talking about the fact that it will be back in the 30s and 40s this week. Summer is here and we refuse to go back!

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