Friday, September 6, 2013

Fantasy Football

Logan has become addicted to FF after a bunch of his friends started talking about their various leagues at school. We got him set up with a user account this week and finalized his draft on Wednesday. At first he was "so-so" when he found out he got Peyton Manning as his QB. But after last nights record performance and his 47 FF pts Logan was ecstatic this AM. I tried to tell him it is a long season, but he is flying high on Week 1. Of course neither of us have ever done FF so we are learning right with him. I guess you could say it is forcing him to do a lot of reading to understand the rules and how to play.

Carter's football team won their second game last night: 2-0 so far. Logan plays his second game tomorrow AM. They won their first name and play a difficult team tomorrow. He also has a baseball double header on Sunday and basketball camp.

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