Sunday, March 29, 2009

Weekly News

It has been a week since our last post (minus Logan's post) so here is the latest and greatest from our house:

-Logan had his ENT appointment this week. He is still not hearing some of the low sounds. Not sure why. The Dr. gave him some ear drops to clean out the gunk and will re-check him in 2 weeks. His tympanogram also was out of the normal range - maybe we are heading for a second round to tubes. Just like his mom and dad when they were kids.
-Carter had a couple of rough nights. His 2 year molars are popping through. As a result, I think we went 5-6 nights getting up 4-5x/night. Great for the grey hair.
-Shawn's back is much better. He started exercising again this week. Not sure what was more depressing, the back pain or the doctor telling him that he gained 10 pounds in the past year - great catalyst for more exercise.

Otherwise life is good; can't complain. Still waiting on the State Department. No new news. Shawn has his security clearance and we are eligible for an assignment anytime in the next 18 months. If the new goverment funding for diplomacy comes through there could be a surge in hiring, but at this time there is no reason to worry - out of of our control. Of course those moments of panic set in when you start to think about packing everything up and selling a house on a moment's nervous - guess we will cross that bridge if we come to it.

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