Sunday, April 5, 2009

Name that rash!

Last night we were greeted by a surprising rash all over Logan's body in the bathtub. After a quick call to "nurse grandma;" as well as the official Clinic Nurse Line, we determined that it was most likely not chicken pox but rather a severe case of hives caused from an allergic reaction to the ear drops Logan has been on for the past 10 days. I guess the ear drops are in the same family as the eye drops which caused his allergic reaction a couple of years ago.

Going forward we are going to have to be more sensitive to the various prescription medicines he is on - a friend mentioned that even neosporin is in that same family and may cause problems.

Logan has been a trooper! Luckily the rash is confined to body parts covered by clothes so others don't panic when he is out in public.

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