Sunday, December 20, 2009

Santa Visit

Here are a few pictures of the boys visit to Santa - Carter doesn't have the best smile....but what can you expect from a little boy with pneumonia. Yes, that is correct - Carter is sick again! He has been coughing like an eighty year old man all week so we thought we would bring him in. The x-ray showed a small case of pneumonia. FUN! In the past 4 weeks, our house has had:
(1) case of hand, foot mouth
(2) cases of strep
(1) case of pneumonia

I think I hear the CDC doing a drive-by in our neighborhood now.

2 more days of school and 3 more days of work till vacation! Looking forward to spending lots of time as a family skiing, skating, watching movies, wrestling, and eating till our tummies pop!
Other BIG NEWS in our house this week - yesterday Logan went down the biggest hill at Buck Hill and did great! Shawn gave him a little warning, "if you don't turn and bomb this hill we are going straight home." Yes, it was an empty threat, but most likely saved his life. He listened very well and turned back and forth all the way down. Upon celebrating with his happy dance, he said he wanted to go back to the green and blue runs so he didn't have to turn. Go figure.

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