Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Quiet Blog

The Mayfield Family Blog has been silent the past 2 weeks as we all have been battling and recovering from various ailments. Carter started the fun with "hand, foot, mouth." The poor little guy suffered for 2 weeks until he finally returned to his normal self. Logan and Sara both were diagnosed with strep throat and were out of work/school for a couple of days each. And Shawn got a virus giving him a fever and sore throat. We became good friends with our local pharmacy. Finally everyone is healthy and happy again!

Fun events in our house since our last post:

1. SKIING! The weather has finally gotten cold enough for Buck Hill to open and Logan and Shawn have been out carving up the white stuff. Logan is in heaven on the ski hill and has no fear.
2. Birthday Party Season: Starting yesterday, Logan has a birthday party the next (3) Saturdays. Thanks to the Wii, bowling is also a new passion - maybe we should get him a bowling shirt for Christmas. His party yesterday was at the bowling alley and he was so excited b/c he got (3) spares. Next weekend is his "friends" party at Chuck-E-Cheese. We have (11) little people joining us for a crazy morning.
3. School Holiday Party: Logan had his "Parent Involvement Day/Holiday Party" at school on Friday. The kids sang (5) songs then made Christmas ornaments, decorated Santa cookies, and made a count-down calendar to Christmas. I am so happy he has a Christian teacher who keeps Christmas in the Holidays.
4. Potty training - Carter has been wearing underwear on the weekends and has been accident free. Day care is very strict and will not take them to the potty unless the respond "yes" when asked if they need to go. As a result, we have been waiting to the Christmas break to go 100% to underwear. Yes I know this probably goes against all parenting models but it seems to be working.
5. Christmas - the boys love looking at Christmas lights at night and are counting the days. Carter saw Santa at the zoo yesterday and was scared - maybe he will sit on his lap if Logan joins him.

Christmas Lists:
1. Anything Wii related
2. Ski poles and goggles with an orange tint
3. Games (Surprise, Battleship, Bop It, Rainbow Fish)
4. Viking hat or jersey (don't ask)
5. Math books (K or 1st Grade)

1. Anything Matchbox cars
2. Anything GeoTrax
3. Remote control car race track
4. Sticker book (Super Heros, Thomas, Dora, Scooby Doo)

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