Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pinch me....I must be dreaming!

After spending a difficult week of work golfing in Scottsdale, AZ last week (sarcasm), Shawn returned to MN for a week of 75+ degree days….amazing! The family has been out bouncing around in our shorts biking, raking, playing at the park, etc. the past 5 days - perfect timing for spring break. Everyone is happier when it is warm and we can be outside. We have already raked the yard, power-washed the patio furniture, cleaned up the sandbox…and tonight we will enjoy our first outdoor BBQ on the patio for 2010. I need to stop - we all know April will bring a blizzard!

This week has been a little crazy in our house as nothing seems to go right:

1. Dishwasher - we are replacing all of our appliances for some stainless steel, more energy efficient, ones. Of course, upon delivery we learned our dishwasher will not fit. The original dishwasher was placed on top of the original linoleum. When they updated the kitchen with hardwood floors they only went up to the cabinets - hence the hole the new dishwasher needs to fit in is too small, not sure if we can get the old one out. This might be a rainy day weekend project!

2. Dry cleaning - mysteriously disappeared. I dropped it off on Monday and when I went to pick it up they can't find it. UGH! Just another thing. Guess I will need to work from home; or go to the office with no pants! Luckily I don't travel for 3 weeks.

3. Carter Boy (that is what he calls himself) - we brought him to the Dr on Tuesday as we thought he had his 3rd case of pneumonia this winter. After examining him, the Dr said he has asthma - not pneumonia. He has been on a nebulizer (he calls it the smoker) and is doing much better - we will upload pics tomorrow. He is still coughing, but it is not the dry asthma hack. When we picked him up from daycare on Tuesday you could tell something was wrong as his color was ash and he was struggling with his breathing. He is very excited for his birthday. We are having a family night out at Chuck-E-Cheese this weekend and then some friends are coming over for cake on his birthday.

Logan has been enjoying spring break bouncing between play dates, Grandma closers, and relaxation. Sara was off on Monday and Shawn is off tomorrow (Friday). Tomorrow we are going bowling with one of Logan's friends - he is in a bowling league and has his own ball/shoes - I think Logan may be schooled!

Happy Easter to All! Logan has been busy inviting friends to Hosanna! for services and we invite any and all to join us for the celebration!

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