Monday, February 14, 2011

Groundhog's Day

Maybe Logan is right. He came home from school on February 2 convinced that since the groundhog didn't see his shadow that winter would be over in 6 weeks. We tried to explain to him that this was only a prediction - but to him it was literal. After yesterday perhaps he was right - it was 48 degrees in Lakeville!

We walked out of church and told the kids that today there would be no playing in the house until the sun went down - they needed to break out of the winter cocoon and enjoy spring! We spent the beautiful day skiing in slush, riding bikes, building snow forts, playing football outside and running around Cleary Lake. It was fabulous! Needless to say Logan asked at 7pm if he could go to bed as he was exhausted - the joys of some fresh air!

Events on the calendar for this week:
-Logan's 1st grade choir concert
-Lots of birthday parties
-A (4) day weekend for the whole family
-Both boys have Valentine's Day parties at their schools
-Lakeville North basketball game Tuesday night - Logan has developed a new passion for attending high shool sporting events

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