Thursday, February 3, 2011

Yes - More Postings Coming Soon

It has been a tad busy around here the past week! Some highlights - pictures to follow this weekend. Ahhhh - the weekend!

  • Enjoyed the amazing 30-degree weather last Friday night skiing with some friends from Logan's school
  • Saturday - some friends watched the boys and we joined some other friends to celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary. The best babysitters are the FREE babysitters! We needed a night out on the town after being Logan's taxi service and transporting him between various play dates all day.
  • Sunday - church, zoo, and swimming at the health club
  • Tuesday - Logan had his 5th tennis lesson. Shawn went to the School Board Meeting to learn more about our $15MM budget deficit. This could be a whole blog post in itself. Let's just say they are closing one of the seven elementary schools, raising activity fees (hockey will be $1400/yr), and proposing cutting 5th grade band, all art programs and tech education.
  • Wednesday - Logan and Shawn went to church for HALO. Carter decided to wake up at midnight covered in P$&K. Yes - the vomit monster invaded our house again! The good news, he woke up in the AM all better. Must have been our cooking.
  • Thursday - Logan is now in chess after school taking after his Uncle Jason.
And the highlight of our week - we cleaned up our basement and put most of the toys away - so now we have a baseball field/football field/ and soccer field. The boys are in heaven! We found a soft baseball and every night Logan gets his bat out with his batting helmet and gloves and we do batting practice.

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