Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Quick Update - What's Been Happening in the Mayfield House

The blog has been a little inactive since the first of the year - we need to do a better job taking pictures of the kids activities. Some quick updates:

-Carter is continuing to play hockey 2x/week. His team is doing great and they went undefeated in their "jubilee tournament" last weekend. His team won the last game 21-6....only in Mite hockey can you score 21 goals. The other team even had a goalie! Carter had six goals and was skating around "pumping" his fist. They played full-ice hockey for the first time and thought that was pretty cool.
-This Thursday Carter gets to skate with the Lakeville South Cougars. Each home game one team gets to "buddy up" with a player and skate out and get introduced with the team before the game.He is really excited.
-Logan is continuing to play basketball and improving. His team is fabulous and they have only lost (2) games all year. Logan needs to learn not to "foul" as he is overly aggressive at times. He had (2) 3-pointers last Saturday and was flying high. The last game is this Saturday and then he has a break till spring sports.
-The kids were driving us crazy about planning a winter vacation so we finally gave in. For some reason they REALLY wanted to go back to DisneyWorld so we will be heading there again in February for the 3rd year in a row. They don't know yet and I think we are going to keep it a secret and pick them up from school early and surprise them. Figure it is a place you only want to visit when your kids are young so we mine as well take advantage of this time in our lives.
-Both boys got their report cards and did ok....not sure we will be getting any Ivy League scholarships in this house! Carter is definitely an easier student than Logan was at his age and is doing great with his reading. He will start "journaling" soon.
-Logan continues to take guitar lessons at Hosanna! His new favorite thing is to search YouTube for guitar videos and learn from them.

Outside of that just staying busy with life. Lots of business travel for Shawn this month and running around for Sara. Hopefully spring will come early this year.

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