Monday, June 29, 2009

Camp Kanabec Trail

Quick update on the camping adventure last night in our backyard. Remember, our concern was Logan waking up in the middle of the night screaming.....not Carter (he was in his crib inside with Dad).

After months of sleeping through the night without incident, Carter decided to take advantage of Dad and decided to wake up twice (midnight and 1am) in the middle of the night for some juice. Then to top it off, our house must have had a power surge b/c at 3:10am one of our fire alarms started going off for about 45 seconds. I promptly decided there was no smoke, the windows were open so there was no CO2 issues, and went to bed....only to wake up at 5:10am for work.

Oh yeah....and the camping duo - they went to bed at 7:45pm and slept all night.

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