Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Tribute to Michael Jackson

I have to be sentimental here for a minute - Michael Jackson was the first cassette tape I ever received....back in the 3rd grade. I still remember girls writing on their desks, "I love Michael." And who could forget the days of wearing red, leather zipper jackets and the occasional white glove. So long to the King of Pop! I do have to admit that I always thought everyone needed to at least see one Michael Jackson concert in their lifetime, I guess that didn't happen to us. Ok - I am over it now. Time to move on.....

We may not have the King of Pop in our house, but Carter is taking after his big brother and signing, dancing, pounding on the drums and playing the guitar like an Elvis impersonator. As cute as it is, there are times we are driving down the street and I feel like my ears are going to explode. This morning on the way home from church we told Logan we were turning down the music and he threw the CD case at us from the backseat - let's just say the "time out" chair was waiting for his little butt when we pulled in the driveway.

Other happenings since our last post in the Mayfield house:
-We went to the cabin last weekend and caught more tangled fish line then fish
-Enjoyed an incredible wedding for one of Shawn's former youth group kids in Forest Lake...Ashley was only 12 when Shawn was her youth pastor - now she is married. Yes, another sign we are getting old.
-Spent oddles of days over the past week enjoying the waterpark at the health club...sometimes it feels just like being in the Caribbean sipping smoothies (for those out-of-towners on our D list - it was 90+ and humid all week)
-We ordered new carpet for our upstairs, dining room and study (old stuff was getting a little worn)
-Helped grandma closer with a very successful garage sale (let us know if you need baby stuff - it is going to the church close closet next week)

Things to look forward to this week:
-Only 2 days of work!!!! And no travel for Shawn - FINALLY!
-Logan is getting tubes again on Wednesday (keep him in your prayers)
-We will probably go to the cabin a couple of days (Shawn may stay home and stain the deck and paint the bedroom)

Logan and Sara and camping out in our backyard tonight. I think Logan dragged down his entire bedroom into the tent. Hopefully they will sleep well as tomorrow Sara is bringing they boys and one of Logan's buddies to the zoo all-day.

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