Thursday, June 4, 2009

Myrtle Beach - Part I

We apologize for neglecting our regular blog followers and not submitting a post for the past couple of weeks. It has been a hectic time getting ready for our week vacation to Charlotte and Myrtle Beach. Once we thought everything was in order, Logan decided to have his first major bike wipe out the night before we left. We are not really sure what happened as we were about 20 ft behind him. From his personal account, it sounds like he was riding on the the paved path through the woods with his 2 buddies when he turned around to watch them. When he turned back around the path curved and he over-corrected and went over the handle bars. Some how he landed on his face. Luckily it looked a lot worse than it was. At first we thought maybe he lost a couple of teeth as he was bleeding pretty bad from his mouth, but in the end he ended up with a nice "sole patch" and "moustache" which have scabbed over nicely; as well as a fat lip from biting on it.

The next morning the boys did great when we had to wake them up at 3:45am to catch our 6am flight. Our flight to Charlotte through Chicago was uneventful - which is exactly what you want with 2 kids. I think the Starbucks stop in Chicago gave them the java boost they needed to make it to Charlotte. Both punctually fell asleep as soon as we got the rental car and started the 30 minute drive to Grandpa Bob's.

The boys were so EXCITED to see Grandpa. The both ran to him and spent the afternoon chasing him in the pool and talking, talking, talking. I think Grandpa needs about a week to recover. We spent (1) night with Grandpa Bob then drove the 3.5 hours to Myrtle Beach. We have been here for 4 nights so far and the weather has been terrific - sunny and hot (85-90 degrees) each day. We are staying at the Anderson Ocean Club - highly recommend if you are looking for your next vacation. We have a 1100 sq ft. 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo with full kitchen, dining room, living room, and 2 balconies. The property is only about 18 months old so everything still smells new. We have a great ocean view and the kids have been spending all day at the beach or one of the 6 pools.

Outside of playing in the sand and swimming; the boys have been playing lots of mini-golf, watching the fishermen on the pier, and Logan learned how to boogy board. Tomorrow we will head back to Charlotte for another night at Grandpa Bob's. We will post some pictures after we get back home later this weekend.

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