Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Carter Update

reminder...Carter is our easy-going, mellow child who rarely gets fussy unless his brother is picking on him

Saturday and Sunday night were a disaster with the poor little guy sleeping no more than 2 hours at a stretch. On Saturday all he would eat was ice cream. By Sunday he stopped eating anything and would only drink a couple sips of water. He kept saying his mouth hurt and "big sores in my mouth mommy."

Monday morning Sara brought him to his pediatrician who prescribed codeine - the magic drug! We remember when Logan had his tonsils and adenoids out the codeine would mask all the pain almost instantly. After crying hysterically from 9:30am-11:15am (all the way to the dr, during the dr appt, and while waiting for the prescription at Target), we finally got the codeine into his system and he came home and ate a donut. The magic drug! Last night he went to bed at 8:15pm and only woke up once at 4am when the medicine wore off. He is still sleeping now at 7am. Thank you God!

To add more stress during all of this, Carter's last nuk collapsed. Sara thought, "well he can't be any more fussy than he already is" - so time to transition off it. It appears to be going well per last night. He only used it to sleep anyway so I don't think he really needs it. Everyone else is healthy and looking forward to a long weekend. Shawn and Sara are both working 1/2 days today to cover Carter, tomorrow Shawn is off with the boys and then Sara is off with the boys on Friday and Shawn will work from Duluth (assuming we are still able to go).

More to come....

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