Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Easter

The kids had a fabulous Easter collecting "mounds" of candy. The entire family went to Rainbow Foods for their Easter egg hunt - somehow this has become a tradition in our house. The kids run up and down the aisles collecting eggs. Carter got a "1st place" egg and picked a plastic shopping cart full of food as his prize. Later on Saturday, Logan joined his cousins and traveled to Duluth for 24 hours of fun with grandma far-far. We missed him on Easter, but we were scheduled to volunteer at church from 2:15-6:30pm on Saturday and 6:30-10am on Sunday and figured he would have more fun running around with his cousins. Logan said the highlight of the trip was watching Indian Jones in the car and having to call 911 to get out of the park after uncle Leon and the family got locked in after the park closed - only Leon :-) While Logan was gone, Carter participated/volunteered at (2) Easter egg hunts at Hosanna! They had 30,000 eggs (15,000 after both Saturday services) - AMAZING! We love being at Hosanna! for Easter as it is magical - this year they had about 12,000 people attend services and the environment was electric. Sunday pm was spent together at Grandma-closers for a yummy turkey dinner.
The highlight of Shawn's week was getting his new dishwasher installed. Shawn and our neighbor spent about 2.5 hours on Sunday but we got it in the hole with no problem. Next project - our new range hood arrived - hopefully this will be easier to install. How tough can a couple of electrical wires and venting be :-)

The sad news in our house is that we had to put Norman to sleep last night. He had gone down hill fast this week and has not been eating. He had lost a lot of weight and was just lying around in various corners of the house. We knew something was wrong and the dr found a cancer tumor the size of a racquetball in his stomach. More than likely this had been growing for some time. Carter doesn't really understand, but Logan has been very emotional. Unfortunately we forgot to take one last picture of him with Logan - we found one that is a couple of years old and Logan has this on his desk. Norman was a FABULOUS cat and lived a great life at 16 years of age - it still makes us smile remembering when we got him from the Humane Society at 6 yrs old when he was all greasy and overweight…they had named him "Stevie Ray" but we thought Norman fit better.

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