Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Mayfield News Flash

Here is a quick synopsis of "happenings" in the Mayfield household the past week:

1. Logan
This morning Logan lost his 3rd tooth (one of his upper teeth). He is starting to look like a banged-up boxer with all the holes in his mouth. Logan's social life continues to keep us busy. Starting last weekend, he has (4) birthday parties in three weekends - (2) of them are the same date/time so he has been struggling with which one to attend. Logan also started spring soccer this Monday night. Shawn is coaching with another Dad from the fall league so several of the boys have played together before. Hopefully the weather this spring will continue to be amazing and there won't be any games played in the snow like last October. Logan has come a long way the past couple of weeks with his reading - his teacher has been sending home positive notes that he seems to be more focused and is trying harder (good signs)! Grandpa far-far will be glad to know that Logan has been hitting the links already this spring and has registered for football this summer.

2. Carter
Has been busy playing with his new birthday toys. He loves his golf set, matchbox cars, sandbox, airplane gun, etc. Carter joined Logan and Shawn at the driving range 2 weeks ago; besides holding the clubs backwards sometimes, he did pretty well….he even hit one 50 yrds! All the seniors smiled when they saw this little 3 yr old walking around with his golf bag and clubs. He is definitely 3 going on 6!

3. Shawn
Was in SF this week and got to attend the Oakland A's / New York Yankees game in one of the executive suites at the stadium…all the hot dogs and beer your heart and cholesterol can handle.

4. Sara
With Shawn being gone Sara has been busy after work getting the kids to soccer practice, church activities, birthday parties, etc. She also volunteered in Logan's classroom this week reading books and helping out. She had a parent/teacher conference with Logan's teacher and received some positive feedback that was encouraging.

That's the Mayfield News Flash for this week - we will try to find time this weekend to upload some pics.

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