Halloween was another week long event in Lakeville. Friday started off with parties at both of the boys schools. Sara volunteered in Logan's class and he had a great time making crafts, eating spooky snacks and going on a Halloween parade to the "big kids wing" of the school. Post from Logan - making my spider and playing Bingo was FUN! Carter had his annual daycare party - for some reason Darlys and Marlys thought Logan needed a bag as well as he is still officially part of the school.
Friday night we went to a local churches Halloween party. They had hundreds of kids and tons of prizes. The boys grabbed another bag full of candy, stuffed animals and gift cards. They loved the music and games - Logan was a little scared of the Satan skit.
Saturday was the annual trick or treat extravaganza up our street. Logan and Ewen joined 2 of the older girls and got even more candy - thankfully Carter pooped out about half way up the hill.
In short, I think we got 5 bags of candy for each of the boys. Luckily Hosanna is doing a candy offering in HALO this week to collect candy for the local food shelf....I think a lot of our candy will magically disappear this week :-)
Post from Logan: this week in school I counted to 59. I am also starting to learn to read. I know how to spell: red, the, see, a, I, apples, and some more words. I can also do math: 2+3=5! I don't know how to add a hundred plus hundred. Dad also taught me how to read prices in the store. For example: $9.99 equals 9 dollars and 99 cents....dad loves me walking through Target reading all the prices for him.
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