Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sleepless in Minnesota

Poor Carter. The little guy woke up with a fever on Friday and was fussy. By the afternoon he was crying non-stop and said his ear hurt. We took him to the clinic for an ear infection exam; no ear infection. They were then going to test for strep. When they looked in his throat they quickly said "hand, foot, mouth." We were surprised as he has had it before and we thought you could only get it once, but I guess not. This case is much more severe as he has bumps and blisters on his hands and butt and his poor little mouth is full of big sores. Yesterday all he ate was ice cream and apple juice. He hasn't slept for more than 2 hours at a stretch for 2 days without waking up. He is a mess...and so are mom and dad! He also has a fever of about 101. We was crying last night and said to Sara, "mommy, my mouth hurts." Luckily we are off Wednesday-Friday this week for Thanksgiving....he definitely won't be going to school Monday or Tuesday as well..time to juggle schedules.

Logan has a little cold but is doing great. It was the 50th day of school on Friday so all the kids dressed up in their 50's garb. The boys looked "tough" in their white tee-shirts and blue jeans and the girls were adorable in their pink poodle skirts. Shawn volunteered in the am and the kids had fun counting to 50 in different arrangements, having a bubble gum blowing contest, eating coke floats, going to a sock-hop and playing with hula hoops.

Yes - we also went "crazy" this weekend and put up our Christmas tree before Thanksgiving. Time to live dangerously! Figure if we are going to go through all the work we mind as well enjoy it. Have to admit, we are on top of it this year with tons of outdoor lights and the tree up....we have even purchased all of our presents for the 3 kids we adopted through church and a couple each for the boys. Next on the list - Christmas letter writing!

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