Monday, November 16, 2009

A Weekend of “Firsts”

This weekend we experienced many “firsts” in our house:

1. Carter: He decided he wanted to wear underwear on Saturday. At 2 ½ we were a little apprehensive, but he only had one accident all weekend. Of course we put him on the “potty” every 2 hours or so. He was even dry during his nap on Saturday. Unfortunately the philosophy of our day care is that they will not put the child on the “potty” unless they respond “yes” when they are asked, “do you need to go to the bathroom?” In short, they need to learn how to manage the urge. We figure we will start working with him and see where it goes. I think Logan was a little less than 3 when he figured out the whole thing.

2. Logan: Went to his first concert, “The Trans Siberian Orchestra”, on Saturday with Shawn and Grandma Closer at the Target Center. This has become an annual Christmas tradition in our house and Logan really wanted to go. He sat for the entire 3 hours and loved it – he got a little scared when the pyrotechniques were right in front of us. If you have never been to their concert, here is a quick preview…the light show is unbelievable!

3. Christmas Lights & 50 Degrees! Shawn broke down and decorated the outside of the house for Christmas yesterday. I think this is the first time we have done this without a jacket, hat, or mittens. As a result of the warm weather, I think people are really getting into the season this year as lights are being put up all over Lakeville. We decorated the house with 6 reindeer, several multi-colored bush nets, as well as some snowflakes above the main door and a string of red lights over the garage – not to mention covering the apple blossom tree with some lights. We don’t even want to think about taking everything down in January when it is -20 degrees! Maybe we will put up the Christmas tree this weekend :-)

Outside of that, just another week. Shawn is off to Philadelphia for 3 days this week. Our last parenting course is tonight, and we are in the midst of planning for Logan’s b’day party – he wants to invite 12-18 kids (the exact list changes daily). Next week we are both only working 3 days - it will be nice to have a break!

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