Thursday, January 7, 2010

Quick post -

1. Where there once was dozens, now there are none! Yes, no mice to report since the exterminator came to visit our house. I didn't think he really did anything except walk around and poke in the insulation, but the bait he left must have tasted good to the "Alpha Male" who is now enjoying peace and tranquility in mice heaven.

2. The CDC has quarantined our house! After 10 days of good health, Logan came down with strep on Saturday. We thought he had a sinus infection as his nose was running a lot. We decided to take him in when he spiked a fever, and they found strep (AGAIN!). The new Mayfield Family tally:

November 15-Jan3:
(4) cases of strep
(1) case of pneumonia
(1) case of hand, foot, mouth

They put him on z-pack and immediately he was feeling better. We are concerned about how many anti-biotics he has been on the past 2 months. Luckily he has his 6-year check up in 2 weeks. I think he needs a good physical!

3. Bye-bye diapers! Carter is now potty trained. After about 2 days of limited accidents Carter has been doing great the past 10 days. He has even been dry through the night 2x - we keep this very quiet as Logan still has issues at night. Another item to discuss at the physical.

That is all the fun in our house. This is the time of year we start dreaming of warmer climates and escaping from this frozen tundra. Shawn is lucky enough to be in NC and CA the next 2 weeks for work, but we are researching a February family vacation south to get a good dose of Vitamin D. Our skin is so dry we look like alligators! Hope you are all doing well.....

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