December 23, 2009 - Logan is now "6"
Logan's week long present extravaganza began early with his birthday - the joys of a Christmas birthday. We celebrated with Shawn's mom, Jason and Matt. The boys had a great time playing with Jason and Matt. Star Wars was the theme as he got: a new Lego Star Wars watch, a stuffed Yoda, Star Wars Lego's, and Mario Wii.

December 23 was also the first day of a 3-day snow storm that kept us in the cities till December 26. Officially the news said Lakeville got 14.5 inches, but per the snowbanks on our driveway, Sara and I think we got about 16-20 inches. The pile was about 2 feet over our mailbox! It was a great snowstorm as the temps remained warm so we could play outside and build forts!

December 24
We celebrated Christmas Eve services at Hosanna! keeping our annual tradition of volunteering at a couple of the afternoon services. Logan loves handing out bulletins and ushering. The second service had over 4000 people....and that was only 1 of 6 services! They had a live manger on stage with 2 camels, 1 sheep, 1 cow, several ducks and chickens and some other hairy creatures. The kids loved it! I am sure they will have some pics on their website soon:
We spent the evening with Shawn's mom opening gifts and having our traditional holiday Turkey. Here are some fun pics of the kids opening gifts. Favorite gifts of 2009:
Logan - Nintendo DS
We ventured up to Duluth on December 26th and 27th for the Mattson family Christmas. The boys loved playing with their cousins. Logan stayed an extra day with the Ball family and grandma/grandpa. It seems so quiet just to have 1 child!!!